oh lord - in this moment
1:25 ————•———————— 3:26
p l a y l i s t.

askbox. meme tag. aesthetic sideblog. spotify playlist. pinterest.
this is a selective, low activity blog for mary mason from the 2012 film american mary.established 11.30.20this blog is headcanon-based and heavily canon-divergent. information on my divergencies can be found on this carrd, but please shoot me a message if you have additional questions !
considering this blog is plot-driven, my primary goal is to develop mary beyond what the film gave us, and plotting is absolutely the best way to do that !the time that it takes for me to get a reply out does not equal my interest in our interactions ! this is an extremely low activity blog, and not my main priority.i will get to your reply, i just ask that you be as patient with me as i will be with you !
i use small font, 40x40px icons, as well as occasional colored text. if this is ever an issue for you, don't hesitate to let me know and i will adjust my formatting for you !
i use trigger / when tagging any/all necessary posts.again, if you need me to tag something specifically for you, please let me know !
given the themes of american mary, and the details of mary's story, refrain from following this blog if you are uncomfortable with mentions/possible imagery of; rape, abuse, blood, gore, body horror.i personally have no triggers.i read through everyone's rules prior to following, but i can make mistakes ! if i ever post or reblog something that i did not tag and you need me to, please let me know !
if there is nsfw written on this blog, it will not be done with muns under the age of twenty for my own personal comfort.
everything will be tagged as: nsfw //.
as with any blog, i always prefer to plot before jumping into a ship.that being said, as much as i love to ship, mary is an extremely complicated person that is very difficult to get close to emotionally. she struggles with a lot of trauma, especially in verses set post-film.but with lots of plotting ooc, i am totally open to developing any kind of ship between mary and your muse !
this is the psd that i use made by plutocommissions, though i have edited it quite a bit and added a few adjustment layers. i also use this blockquote psd by plutocommissions.i use this 40x40px border from vc-resources.all of the edits on this blog, unless explicitly otherwise stated, were either made by or for me. i have no affiliation with american mary or katharine isabelle.
my discord is available upon mutuals' request !if i'm not here, you may find me at:
brllliance, an original affiliated character;
ductaped, ashley jones from better watch out;
endfght, multimuse & primary blog;
jpoole, jeyne poole from a song of ice and fire;
leftlimp, jeff grimes from the walking dead;
sunruin, freya a vampire oc with original lore;
wonknot, amy harrison from the walking dead.
hi besties !
pls be my friend.becca or bee, she\they, twenty-three, est.

mains & exclusives
click here for a list of my mains and exclusives.
name: marilyn renee mason.
nicknames: mary. bloody mary.
age: verse dependent.
date of birth: 25 october, 3:42am.
place of birth: chicago, illinois.
nationality: american.
gender: cis female.
orientation: bisexual, aromantic.
pronouns: she/her/they.
occupation: waitress. former medical student. body modification surgeon. verse dependent.
languages spoken: english, hungarian, spanish.
eye color: green.
hair color: light brunette. mary had a phase in high school where she would occasionally dye it, though never too extreme.
height: five foot four inches.
body build: mary has an hourglass body shape.
notable physical traits: a generally petite frame, bright eyes. while she has none of her face, mary's body is littered with freckles and birth marks everywhere else.
tattoos: tba
piercings: each earlobe pierced twice.
style: tba
father: edward mason, estranged, alive.
mother: noora tóth, estranged, alive.
siblings: none.
significant other: verse dependent.
children: none. mary is biologically unable to have children.
pets: hel, a six-year-old parakeet.
miscellaneous: adel tóth, grandmother, deceased. beatress johnson, acquaintance, deceased. lance, acquaintance.
mood/expression: tba
positive traits: ambitious, loyal
negative traits: possessive, masochistic, insensitive, jealous, resentful.
fears: tba
zodiac sign: scorpio.
sun: tba
moon: tba
element: water.
mbti: tba
enneagram: tba
temperament: tba
moral alignment: chaotic good - evil range .
allergies: tba
addictions: tba
smoker?: yes.
alcohol use: yes, she relies heavily on alcohol during times of high stress.
drug use: mary is not opposed to doing or trying drugs, though she prefers to keep her head clear.
mental health: tba

001, canon
pre - canon, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
canon, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
post - canon, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.
002, the walking dead
alone, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.
saviors, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
hilltop - alexandria, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.
003, saw
apprentice, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.
004, american horror story
murder house, one of ben's patients. she becomes infatuated with the history of the home, is killed by tate.
asylum, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
coven, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
freakshow, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
hotel, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore.
double feature, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.
005, dead by daylight
survivor, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.
killer, the surgeon, mary mason. ... all she felt was mind-numbing pain, desperation as fingers fumbled to close the wound on her abdomen, and then when the fog began to spiral around her - there was nothing. mary was shocked when she awoke in a place unfamiliar to her, still breathing despite the vivid memory of feeling her life drain from her body.
*mains & exclusives
*mary mason
mary mason or "the surgeon" is one of 26 killers currently featured in dead by daylight.
the surgeon is a precise killer, tbaHer personal perks, Stridor, Thanatophobia, and A Nurse's Calling, allow her to decrease Survivor abilities and track them when they are injured.She is focused on spotting and tracking, making it harder for Survivors to hide.Difficulty rating: Hard
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play her and use her Power effectively)
name: mary mason
gender: female
nationality/ethnicity: tba
realm: tba
power: tba
power attack type: basic attack
weapon: tba
movement speed: 97% - 3.88 m/s
terror radius: 30 metres
height: average
voice actor: katharine isabelle
Sally Smithson came to town with dreams of children's feet and laughter in a wooden home built by her husband Andrew. But life came not with smiles but with plans of destruction. Andrew worked as a lumberjack - a job with its perils. One day, Andrew's foreman had to pay Sally a visit, forever changing her life. She was alone.Without food on the table and no other option, Sally had to find a way, but the only employment she could get was at the Crotus Prenn Asylum. Nobody sought employment there unless they were in dire need. Just like Sally. Without any education, she started at the bottom, doing the hard night shift.Over the years, her mind had reached its limits, two decades of seeing horrid things that violate the eyes. Memories that are re-played every night. Being abused verbally and physically, by people without limits. Sally saw insanity from the outside, just to catch it herself.Finally she could not take it any more and concepts of purification emerged inside her. She did what she felt was necessary. As the morning staff arrived one day in September - they found over fifty dead patients, lifeless, in their bed along four staff members, also dead.Only Sally had survived the night, but her mind was gone, rocking back and forth non-stop. Exactly what happened is only known by her, but it seems that some of them had been choked as they had marks around their necks. They got her into an ambulance, but that ambulance never reached the hospital. It was found crashed in a nearby wood, all the staff dead and Sally nowhere to be found.
the surgeon's perks
These are Perks which start off only appearing in The Nurse's Bloodweb IconHelp bloodweb.png. After achieving Level 30, Teachable versions of these Perks can be found:Stridor - Level 30
Thanatophobia - Level 35
A Nurse's Calling - Level 40
Once obtained, other Killers will be able to find The Nurse's Perks in their respective Bloodwebs from that point onwards
You are acutely sensitive to the breathing of your prey.
All Survivors' Grunts of Pain are 25/50/50 % louder and their regular breathing is 0/0/25 % louder.
"If you don't stop and catch your breath... she will."Thanatophobia
Their courage fades in the face of their undeniable mortality.
Each injured, dying, or hooked Survivor incurs a stack-able 4/4.5/5 % penalty to all Survivors' Repairing, Sabotaging, and Cleansing Action speeds, up to a maximum of 16/18/20 %.
"She plays with us and revels in our pain."A Nurse's Calling
Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.
The Auras of Survivors, who are healing or being healed, are revealed to you when they are within a range of 20/24/28 metres.
"Still attached to the fragments of her past life, she is drawn to those in need of help."
weapon: the scalpel (?)
The Bonesaw is the primary weapon of the Nurse. Rusty metal implement for tearing through flesh and bone.
When she attacks, she swings her whole body into the swing.
When hitting a survivor, she wipes the blood off with her fingers.
The Bonesaw has a shorter lunge-attack range, but a larger range itself. This means that the Nurse has a bigger chance of hitting them by clicking than the other killers, but less of a chance when holding the attack button down.
power: spencer's last breath
A powerful and violent last breath snatched from Crotus Prenn Asylum Warden Patrick Spencer.
Channelling its energy allows The Nurse to pierce and jump through the Spirit World in a blink multiple times in a row. Doing so leaves her in a state of fatigue.
Press and hold the Power button to charge a Blink:Blink for up to 20 metres upon activation.
During the ensuing Chain Blink Window, charge again to initiate a Chain Blink of up to 12 metres upon activation.
After either the Chain Blink Window closed or the final Chain Blink elapsed, enter a state of Fatigue (2-3 seconds*).
Grants 1 Chain Blink.
power trivia
The Fatigue duration is determined by the amount of Blinks The Nurse executed:
1 Blink causes Fatigue for 2 seconds.
2 Blinks cause Fatigue for 2.5 seconds.
3 Blinks cause Fatigue for 3 seconds.
4 Blinks caused Fatigue for 3.5 seconds (no longer achievable).
5/6/7 Blinks caused Fatigue for 4 seconds (no longer achievable).
If The Nurse initiated an attack before going into Fatigue, an additional cool-down of 1 second is incurred.
A Blink takes 2 seconds to fully charge.
The Charge duration determines the maximum available Blink distance, whereas The Nurse's aim within that distance will determine the Blink's target location.
The Charge duration also determines the maximum and minimum Blink Reappearance duration.
The maximum Blink Distance is set at 20 metres.
The minimum Blink Distance is set at 1 metre.
The maximum Blink Reappearance time is set at 1.5 seconds.
The minimum Blink Reappearance time is set at 0.25 seconds.
Blink Tokens take 3 seconds per Token to recharge.
The Nurse travels the Blink distance in a set time frame of 0.5 seconds.
The Chain Blink Window is open for 1.5 seconds.
Due to her interaction with the Spirit World, The Nurse suffers from a unique mechanic called Lightburn, which makes her vulnerable to Flashlights IconItems flashlight.png shining upon her.Shining a Flashlight on The Nurse's body will block her from charging a Blink.
Shining a Flashlight on The Nurse's body while she is already charging a Blink will stun her and force her into Fatigue.
add-ons for spencer's last breath
Add-ons support Mouse-over functionality (desktop version only): hovering over the modifier words with your cursor will reveal the values behind them.
On mobile browsers, the values are displayed in small text after the modifier words. Desktop users experiencing issues with the mouse-over may temporarily switch to mobile view at the bottom of an Article page.
Wooden Horse An unpainted toy carved out of cheap wood to resemble a horse.
Once the symbol of a deep connection between a catatonic patient and his nurse.
Moderately decreases additional Blink Fatigue duration from missed Blink Attacks.White Nit Comb A parasitic nit comb taken from the clinic.
Once the symbol of a deep connection between an anxious patient and her nurse.
Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Blink Attack Score Events.
Moderately reduces Blink Lunge range.Plaid Flannel A torn piece of red and black plaid flannel.
The scrap of fabric imbues The Nurse with devastating focus.
The Nurse can see the Target location of her Blink.Metal Spoon A dull, partially rusted and stained metallic spoon.
Confiscated from Room 202's patient, the "Bad Man".
After hitting a Survivor with a Blink Attack that Survivor's Grunts of Pain are 100 % louder for 60 seconds.
Pocket Watch A charred and broken pocket watch with rattling pieces.
Taken from Nurse Moris' body.
Moderately increases Chain Blink Window duration.Dull Bracelet A worthless piece of jewellery that might have an important significance to someone.
Taken from the "Anxious Girl's" body.
Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Precise Blink Score Events.
Moderately reduces maximum Blink range.Dark Cincture A black rope used as a belt in times of mourning.
Taken from Father Campbell's body.
Moderately reduces Spencer's Last Breath Token Recharge time.Catatonic Boy's Treasure A pine-cone which unexpectedly calmed a patient's repetitive movement.
Taken from the "Catatonic Boy's" body.
Considerably decreases additional Blink Fatigue duration from Chain Blinks.Bad Man Keepsake A rotten molar ripped from the "Bad Man's" cold dead hand.
After hitting a Survivor with a Blink Attack, the Aura IconHelp auras.png of that Survivor, when healing or being healed, is revealed to The Nurse within 28 metres for 60 seconds.
Spasmodic Breath The twitchy and tremulous breath stolen from the "Bad Man".
Aggressively pulses and jumps at The Nurse's touch.
After hitting a Survivor with a Blink Attack, Spencer's Last Breath is temporarily disabled and The Nurse's Movement speed is increased to 4.6 m/s for 60 seconds.Heavy Panting The slow and bulging breath stolen from the "Fat Orderly" Kavanagh.
Dimly oscillates at The Nurse's touch.
Considerably increases maximum Blink range.
Considerably increases Blink Charge time.Fragile Wheeze The whistling and rattling breath stolen from Father Campbell.
Silently curves and bends at The Nurse's touch.
Considerably reduces Spencer's Last Breath Token Recharge time.Ataxic Respiration The irregular and deteriorating breath collected from the "Catatonic Boy".
Normally stable and calm, becomes incredibly agitated at The Nurse's touch.
Moderately decreases Blink Fatigue duration.Anxious Gasp The gasp of surprise collected from the "Anxious Girl", which The Nurse was fond of.
Twitches vigorously at The Nurse's touch.
Blinking past a Survivor causes them to scream, awarding 200 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness Category.
very rare
Kavanagh's Last Breath A powerful last breath snatched from Crotus Prenn Asylum Orderly Harvey Kavanagh, the "Fat Orderly".
In the hands of The Nurse, it wobbles with intensity.
Tremendously increases maximum Blink range.
Tremendously increases Blink Charge time.Jenner's Last Breath A powerful last breath snatched from Crotus Prenn Asylum Patient Mary Jenner, the "Anxious Girl".
In the hands of The Nurse, it trembles with intensity.
During the Chain Blink Window, press the Active Ability button to immediately Blink back to The Nurse's original location.Campbell's Last Breath A powerful last breath snatched from Crotus Prenn Asylum Priest Father Campbell.
In the hand of The Nurse, it crackles with intensity.
After reappearing from a fully charged Blink, The Nurse immediately Blinks at half charge in the direction she is currently facing."Bad Man's" Last Breath A powerful last breath snatched from Crotus Prenn Asylum Patient known as the "Bad Man".
In the hands of The Nurse, it jolts with intensity.
After hitting a Survivor with a Blink Attack, The Nurse is granted the Undetectable IconStatusEffects undetectable.png Status Effect for 16 seconds.
"Bad Man's" Last Breath can only be triggered once every 60 seconds.
ultra rare
Torn Bookmark A white and pristine piece of ribbon once attached to a sacred book. Serves as the symbol of a dispute.
Adds 1 Blink Charge.
The Nurse is unable to Blink to a Target location she does not have direct line-of-sight to.Matchbox A matchbox containing an odd collection of mismatched buttons. Serves as a reminder of a horrible place.
Increases The Nurse's Movement speed to 4.2 m/s for the entire Trial.
Removes 1 Blink Charge.